Laser P and Brite Dip 6 Increased Production While Saving Countless Man Hours

Individually buffing connectors to remove scale and prepare them for plating sounds a bit archaic, doesn’t it? But for a leading manufacturer of electrical components it had become business as usual—that is until they called in ÑÞÕÕÃÅÊÓƵ.

Time for a Change
This labor-intensive process was consuming nearly 30 seconds per connector. On the surface that might not sound like a lot of time, but when you multiply those seconds by the hundreds of pieces that required attention, it became apparent that things had to change.

Applying Laser P & Brite Dip 6
The team, after reviewing the processes and chemistries currently in place, made a subtle suggestion: change out the existing chemistry with a solution consisting of two separate bright dip products (Laser P and Brite Dip 6). The result was noticeable, to say the least. Now parts are sent through a series of tanks, in masse, readying the connectors for plating with little, if any, involvement from the quality assurance personnel.

Countless man hours have been saved, personnel freed up to focus on more productive activities, while the volume of connectors entering the plating process has grown exponentially. A big impact for a simple change in chemistry, wouldn’t you agree!

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Excerpt: Individually buffing connectors to remove scale and prepare them for plating sounds a bit archaic, doesn’t it? But for a leading manufacturer of electrical components it had become business as usual—that is until they called in ÑÞÕÕÃÅÊÓƵ.

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