AquaPure® Quick Drop: Cleans Wastewater While Saving Time, Manpower & Money

For a machine shop to maintain a reputation of delivering tight tolerance precision parts for the aerospace industry they must demonstrate their tooling expertise. Yet even the most successful and sophisticated companies realize they can’t be experts at everything. That was the case as this operation strove to maintain the clarity of their wastewater. They were looking for new ideas on how to improve their wastewater treatment system. Enter ÑÞÕÕÃÅÊÓƵ.

Looking to Improve Their Wastewater Treatment System

The ÑÞÕÕÃÅÊÓƵ approach is one of collaboration and exploration. ÑÞÕÕÃÅÊÓƵ reviewed their wastewater treatment systems and processes, inquired about how much water they are using, determined what kind of equipment they had, and heard from them the problems they were encountering. Since few companies have the capital investments to change their equipment, ÑÞÕÕÃÅÊÓƵ focused on ways to make their existing systems more efficient and effective.

Problem: Discharge Water Was Not Clear

In this situation, it came down to the fact that their discharge water wasn’t clear. Their dirty water was a result of tubbing and washing and other related processes. Like a growing number of companies today, over time they had lost the personnel that specifically knew how to deal with wastewater.

ÑÞÕÕÃÅÊÓƵ’s objective was to improve their processes and resolve their wastewater issues. ÑÞÕÕÃÅÊÓƵ wanted operators to understand the products they were using and why. ÑÞÕÕÃÅÊÓƵ wanted people to be freed up to do the job they were hired to do rather than assume a role they knew little to nothing about. And through it all, it came down to one product being introduced into the mix: AquaPure Quick Drop.

One Product Does it All: AquaPure Quick Drop

Quick Drop is a clay-based product with added conditioning agents. The beauty of Quick Drop is in its efficiency—you only need to add a small amount, about a quarter of an ounce per gallon, for it to work. In this case, that’s 7 grams per gallon—a very small amount of chemical to add to a tank. Once added you vigorously mix the contents and the solids amass together and drop out to the bottom of the tank. When management saw the result of utilizing Quick Drop and the simplification of processes, that was the point that really drove home the value this unique product delivered.


So, what were the results of incorporating Quick Drop? They eliminated redundant staff involvement while increasing their overall efficiencies. Where previously there were four people involved in trying to get their waste separated, now there was one. ÑÞÕÕÃÅÊÓƵ simplified their cleansing process and educated their operators and supervisors so that it became an easy to deploy, foolproof solution.

Their Total Fixed Solids (TFS) are now well below their limits and their wastewater is clean. They’re saving time, manpower, and since they are using less product, they are saving money as well. That’s an ending we’re all happy to embrace.

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Excerpt: In this situation, it came down to the fact that their discharge water wasn't clear. Their dirty water was a result of tubbing and washing and other related processes. Like a growing number of companies today, over time they had lost the personnel that specifically knew how to deal with wastewater.

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